Saturday, 14 May 2016

Fan Fiction

I have been writing a lot thanks to my course. I can't help feeling bitter 
about it. I mean all my assignments include 2000 words report, research
 work and analysis. ALL 2000 words. Sure, it doesn't seem much but when
 you have nothing to write, 2000 is a big number. I mentioned somewhere
 that I started to like reading after the age of 17. Maybe,later than 17 but 
I have never despise writing. It is something I looked forward to every
 single time in English class and sometimes in Malay class, surprisingly
 but thanks to this awful semester, 

I've grown to hate writing and reading. Being a fool,I didn't investigate 
what was my course all about. I knew the surface but not the details.  I have
 chosen a course that is a research based kind of course. Basically,my everyday
 life is filled with writing research paper, hunting for free journal articles to cite
 or refer to (duhh) and reading millions of articles. 

during foundation, I wrote a fan fiction. It took me more than a 
year to complete it.From October 2014 until March 2016. I tried to
 update every week thinking I do not want to be evil to my readers 
(if I had any). I mean, I know the feeling when writers decided to just 
abandon their half written book or update once a month, sometimes
 longer than that. It tortured my soul. I felt restless not knowing what
 was going to happen. Some of  would end the chapter with brilliant
 cliffhanger, and with that, I'll kiss my sleep away cause the curiosity 
kept me up.

Because I wanted to upload it on Asian Fan Fiction, I had to include
 lots of Korean element in it which is not so suitable with my story
setting, honestly. My story had the setting of a western lifestyle,
 don't know why. Anyways, I almost deleted this story due to the
 thought of it being very boring and cliche. It was my first try and I
only wished to try it out. So, it wasn't a serious kind of writing. 
Just for fun. I apologize to people who read it, sorry for a lame story.

Although 298 subscribers seems little amount but, honestly, I did not
even expect to get this amount of subscribers. It is not very impressive, I get it.
 I mean the featured fan fiction usually have at least six thousand of subscribers
 and I am nowhere close to that but I am actually quite thankful with that
 amount. I have another story in mind. InsyaAllah a well planned story
 this time. I have plan it carefully. Hopefully not disappointing as this one.

Like I told you earlier, there are so many times where I wanted to stop writing
because the story line is horrible but.. here's the thing, in Asian Fan Fiction,
the readers are so sweet. They gave me motivation to continue and they are kind.
Although in reality, we (my readers and I) knew that my story wasn't that nice but
them being nice, they commented like my story is the best one hahaha. Thanks man.

I mean, look at this

How is this not sweet?! I have grammar mistakes, wrong usage of words but
the lovely readers never made me feel down. Instead they filled the comment
section with sweet words hehe. LOVE THEM, OMG. I can't wait for this
semester to end cause I can finally write my new story huehuehue.
Maybe I'll be brave enough to upload it on wattpad. If only. InsyaAllah

Thank you for reading!

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