Tuesday, 15 August 2017

I made a book!

I have been spending a lot of times watching YouTube videos lately and one of the videos that I watched was how to make a notebook. 

As a notebook fan and a collector of notebook, obviously I want to make one, one that is perfect for me or represents me. 
So, I spent one whole day watching videos of how to make my own notebook or sketch book.  Also, I've been dying to start my 2017 journal (yes, it's already august and I'm just now starting it). I also have been a fan of journals and journaling but obviously too lazy to be consistent. Last year, I only managed to write up till September which is honestly, not bad, isn't it?

Anyways, I watched this one specific video that got me really interested and I decided to make it myself! 

Click here to watch the video. 


So, what caught my interest was the coptic stitching method. I like that in the video, the sketchbook is so simple (almost naked) but the colour of my board is too pale which makes my book looks cheap and ugh, I hate it. I can't make the stitch as beautiful as how it is supposed to look but hey, it's my first time and my thumb hurts from pulling out strings (also I used the wrong string)

Aren't you annoyed seeing how uneven my pages/ signatures are? Cause I am really annoyed at how my pages didn't turn out well. 

Honestly, the hardest part for me was when I had to make holes on the pages and board, I didn't have an awl, I used needle instead and it wasn't easy since because somehow,  I get the measurements wrong. 

I did have a hard time stitching the book up as well but it wasn't as annoying as poking holes into each signatures. My problem were, as mentioned earlier, one, I got the wrong thread or string. I didn't know what thread I was supposed to buy and I didn't have wax to wax the thread (hehe) so it slows down a lot of process. Second, the holes that I created aren't cooperating with me (although actually it's my fault) and because the thread were pretty rough, it ruined the holes of the paper. 

So, that is my experience of making a book. I would say it is actually a very calming session and it required a lot of patience. Oh, and obviously consistency ( poking holes for every signature). The end result of this whole thing is very satisfying, I am still feeling satisfied even though it wasn't pretty but like I said, it my first try! This will not be the last try to make the perfect journal. I need to achieve beautiful knots at the side of my books.

That is all for me.   

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