Thursday, 10 August 2017

Snow the grey

Hi, as you know. I am in love with my cat. 

I have not felt love this strong towards someone or something in my life but Snow changed my life (in a way). I am not exaggerating. I really do, love her. In fact, I am madly in love with my cat (and other cats as well but more to snow) (p/s: I'm trying not to be biased)

Anyways, one night, I was dreaming something bad would happened to Snow, not that bad but she was going for treatment and the veterinarian wrapped her in something like a girdle or corset, and snow was meowing like she was in pain. I woke up gasping (dramatic, I know) and it was my first time waking up gasping. Then, I searched for snow and as usual, she would hide herself under the tables or chair and gave me a silent treatment, expecting me to play hide and seek with her. Anyways, when I found her under the bed, I took her in my arms although she was desperate to be released. I kissed and hugged her. 

Yeah, I love her that much. Anyways, the sole reason for this post is to update you on Snow's life. 
So, she used to eat Fancy Feast which costs close to RM4 and (thankfully) her appetite is growing, so, two cans a day but because Fancy Feast is too expensive, we changed her wet food (p/s: she doesn't eat kibble and yes, we have tried to starve her and only give her kibble but she's stubborn.She only wants wet food). Now, she's eating Cindy's recipe or Frisian and both cost around RM3 per can. 

Starting from two months ago, Snow wasn't as naughty as she used to be. The house used to be in a mess when we wake up because there will be torn tissue all over the floor, and the table covers were not on the table but recently, she has mellowed down a bit. She sleeps more now during the day and she will stay awake at night. She doesn't go out of the house much but at times she will want to (especially night time).

Snow used to be white, her whole body was white but now, she grew grey which is why my father calls her Snowbu (bu, as in kelabu, grey). Can you see that she is getting fatter? I am so happy. Although, it is hard to see her gain weight because she has long body and small face, maybe still quite active especially when she's showing her tantrum which is quite often. Anyways, when she sits down, you can see more curves and yeah, I like that. 

I thought after one year, she would start to be more social to humans but she still hates human, doesn't like to be stroked (occasionally yes at night time when no one is entertaining her), or held.
Although I really love naughty cats even though they give me scratches (I like scratches from cats tho, it shows that I have a cat) but I do love cats that enjoy being cuddled as well. It's okay tho, I still hugged snow even though she hates it. 

That is all from me, here's some more photo of snow!

Sexy look, cat model for hire. You can contact me here. (kidding but that is her face when she wakes up)

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