Monday, 7 September 2015

Starting of 19

    It all started on my birthday, I turned 19 last Friday. Wehooo? It's like a series of unfortunate events. Really.
      Well, I had a really good day till night came. I went out with my friends, we watched movie and had girly talk. Then after dinner, I played Dota 2 with my cousins and by the way, we played vs humans. So, it was our third game and my laptop just crashed. My screen was pitched black. My laptop "not so dead yet" in the middle of a game. But of course, my laptop had been really awful lately as the charger connector can't be detected and all. It has been hospitalized quite several time probably due to its old age. Anyways, I restarted my laptop and continued playing till it crashed the second time. Oh ya, throughout the game, I was constantly checking Whether my laptop was charging or not. As I mentioned earlier, my charger porter was like whatevs. Lol.
     The second time, the charger wasn't able to be detected at all, believe me, I've tried all position and I gave up. By the way, I discontinued myself from the game, I mean what choice do I have, anyway?
     The next day, I literally rushed to go to Low Yat to fix my laptop but need to pay rm100 for inspection only. Gah, why so expensive, bro? Anyways, he said he'll call me in a week or two. So he told me my motherboard was at fault. Ahhh. So no laptop for me anymore. I was dying surviving a day without laptop what more to say 2 weeks?! 
     So, the next day (Sunday) I went out with my school friend and I had muscle spasm at my back. Gah, I can't even move much. So I excused myself early that day and went back home. With the heating plasters or whatever people called it, glued to my back, I was already well the next day, although moving an inch required screaming but yeah.
     On Tuesday, I was already back at my campus. Bohoo. Sad life. Anyways, I decided I should go to the clinic and guess what happened, apart from on and off fever and sore throat, the doctor gave me a long lecture blah blah and I didn't get medical slip at all. But that afternoon, my temperature was rising like the sun that I couldn't even lift myself up with a pulsing headache and I didn't even eat cause I'm too lazy and sick haha (I missed all 4 classes).
      The very next day, my fever was still quite bad but I decided to go to class anyway but of course, first, to the clinic again. The doctor checked my throat, a different doctor, and she said I had 2 pus (what the plural for pus?) in my throat. Yayy. Not. Anyways, with my ill throat and fever, didn't get medical slip again so i had to go to class no matter what. 
      On Thursday, fever left me but guess who came and visit? Cough and flu. Probably because of the thick haze lately and not to mention the drastic weather change. During the day, it is always scorching hot but around 5pm, it will rained heavily with thunder and lightning. Yeah and till today, I remained with flu and cough. Oh yea, with two infected ears that make my ears felt like dropping to the ground.

P/s: typing this via phone. Hope it will turn      out well.
More misery coming later.  
Hope you have a good day

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